Unconstrained solver

In this test problem, we consider a globalized Newton method. The scenario considers two different stopping criteria to solve the linesearch.

i) This example illustrates how the "structure" handling the algorithmic parameters can be passed to the solver of the subproblem.

ii) This algorithm handles a sub-stopping defined by passing the stopping as a keyword argument. Note that when a stopping is used multiple times, it has to be reinitialized.

iii) It also shows how we can reuse the information and avoid unnecessary evals. Here, the objective function of the main problem and sub-problem are the same. Warning: the structure onedoptim however does not allow keeping the gradient of the main problem. This issue can be corrected by using a specialized State.

The Julia file corresponding to this tutorial can be found here.

contains the rosenbrock and backtracking_ls functions, and the onedoptim struct:


Newton method with LineSearch

function global_newton(stp       :: NLPStopping,
                       onedsolve :: Function,
                       ls_func   :: Function;
                       prms = nothing)

    state = stp.current_state; nlp = stp.pb
    xt = state.x; d = zeros(size(xt))

    #First call
    OK = update_and_start!(stp, x = xt, fx = obj(nlp, xt),
                                gx = grad(nlp, xt), Hx = hess(nlp, xt))

    #Initialize the sub-Stopping with the main Stopping as keyword argument
    h = onedoptim(x -> obj(nlp, xt + x * d),
                  x -> dot(d, grad(nlp, xt + x * d)))
    lsstp = LS_Stopping(h, ls_func, LSAtT(1.0), main_stp = stp)

    #main loop
    while !OK
        #Compute the Newton direction
        d = (state.Hx + state.Hx' - diagm(0 => diag(state.Hx))) \ (-state.gx)

        #Prepare the substopping
        #We reinitialize the stopping before each new use
        #rstate = true, force a reinialization of the State as well
        reinit!(lsstp, rstate = true, x = 1.0, g₀=-dot(state.gx,d), h₀=state.fx)
        lsstp.pb = onedoptim(x -> obj(nlp, xt + x * d),
                             x -> dot(d, grad(nlp, xt + x * d)))

        #solve subproblem
        onedsolve(lsstp, prms)

        if status(lsstp) == :Optimal
         alpha = lsstp.current_state.x
         xt = xt + alpha * d
         #Since the onedoptim and the nlp have the same objective function,
         #we save one evaluation.
         update!(stp.current_state, fx = lsstp.current_state.ht)
         stp.meta.fail_sub_pb = true

        OK = update_and_stop!(stp, x = xt, gx = grad(nlp, xt), Hx = hess(nlp, xt))


    return stp

Newton method with LineSearch

Buffer version

function global_newton(stp :: NLPStopping, prms)

 lf = :ls_func   ∈ fieldnames(typeof(prms)) ? prms.ls_func : armijo
 os = :onedsolve ∈ fieldnames(typeof(prms)) ? prms.onedsolve : backtracking_ls

 return global_newton(stp, os, lf; prms = prms)
mutable struct PrmUn

    #parameters of the unconstrained minimization
    armijo_prm  :: Float64 #Armijo parameter
    wolfe_prm   :: Float64 #Wolfe parameter
    onedsolve   :: Function #1D solver
    ls_func     :: Function

    #parameters of the 1d minimization
    back_update :: Float64 #backtracking update

    function PrmUn(;armijo_prm  :: Float64 = 0.01,
                    wolfe_prm   :: Float64 = 0.99,
                    onedsolve   :: Function = backtracking_ls,
                    ls_func     :: Function = (x,y)-> armijo(x,y, τ₀ = armijo_prm),
                    back_update :: Float64 = 0.5)
        return new(armijo_prm,wolfe_prm,onedsolve,ls_func,back_update)