How to Stop for NLPs

The Stopping structure eases the implementation of algorithms and the stopping criterion.

We illustrate here the basic features of NLPStopping, which is a specialized version of the Stopping to the case where: pb is an AbstractNLPModel state shares the structure of the NLPAtX.

NLPModels is a package to handle non-linear (constrained) optimization. NLPStopping is following this approach.

The Julia file corresponding to this tutorial can be found here.

using Test, NLPModels, Stopping

We first create a toy problem

f(x) = sum(x.^2)
x0 = zeros(5)
nlp = ADNLPModel(f, x0)
nlp2 = ADNLPModel(f, x0, lvar = zeros(5), uvar = Inf * ones(5))
nlp_at_x = NLPAtX(x0)
x1 = ones(5)

1) Initialize the NLPStopping.

The specificity here is that the NLPStopping requires another mandatory input: optimality_check which is the function later used to compute the score. Recall that the score is then tested at 0, to declare optimality. Stopping provides a default KKT function.

stop_nlp = NLPStopping(nlp, (x,y) -> KKT(x,y), nlp_at_x)

Another approach is to use the lazy way:

stop_nlp_lazy = NLPStopping(nlp2) #use nlp.meta.x0 as initial point
@test stop_nlp_lazy.current_state.x == nlp2.meta.x0

###2) Fill in Before calling start! and stop! one should fill in current information in the State. -> the optimalitycheck then exploits this knowledge. As seen before, we by hand use updateandstart and updateandstop. Another way is to call the fillin! function:

fill_in!(stop_nlp, x1, matrix_info = false)
@test stop_nlp.current_state.x  == x1
@test stop_nlp.current_state.fx == 5.
@test stop_nlp.current_state.Hx == nothing

Note that since there are no constraints, c(x) and J(x) are not called:

@test stop_nlp.current_state.Jx == nothing
@test == nothing

Since there are no bounds on x, the Lagrange multiplier is not updated:

@test == nothing

would give Hx if matrix_info = true

fill_in!(stop_nlp_lazy, x1)
@test stop_nlp_lazy.current_state.Hx != nothing
#stop_nlp_lazy.pb has bounds, so mu is a vector of size x
@test size(x0) == size(

3) Evaluations

Another particularity is that the NLPModels has a counter keeping track of the evaluations of each function. Similarly the NLPStopping has a dictionary keeping all the maximum number of evaluations:

@test typeof(stop_nlp.max_cntrs) <: Dict
#For instance the limit in evaluations of objective and gradient:
@test stop_nlp.max_cntrs[:neval_obj] == 20000
@test stop_nlp.max_cntrs[:neval_grad] == 20000

Limit can be set using initmaxcounters function:

stop_nlp.max_cntrs = init_max_counters(obj = 3, grad = 0, hess = 0)
@test stop_nlp.max_cntrs[:neval_obj] == 3
@test stop_nlp.max_cntrs[:neval_grad] == 0

OK = update_and_stop!(stop_nlp, evals = stop_nlp.pb.counters)
@test OK == true
@test stop_nlp.meta.resources == true
@test status(stop_nlp) == :ResourcesExhausted

4) Unbounded problem

An additional feature of the NLPStopping is to provide an _unboundedproblemcheck whenever \|c(x)\| or -f(x) become too large.

stop_nlp.meta.unbounded_threshold = - 1.0 #by default 1.0e50
@test stop_nlp.meta.unbounded_pb == true
@test stop_nlp.current_state.fx > stop_nlp.meta.unbounded_threshold
@test stop_nlp.meta.resources == true #still true as the state has not changed

An advanced feature is the possibility to send keywords to optimality_check:

optimality_fct_test = (x,y;a = 1.0) -> a

In this case, the optimality_check function used to compute the score may depend on a parameter (algorithm-dependent for instance)

stop_nlp_2 = NLPStopping(nlp, optimality_fct_test, nlp_at_x)
fill_in!(stop_nlp_2, x0)

OK = stop!(stop_nlp_2, a = 0.0)
@test OK == true
@test stop_nlp_2.meta.optimal == true

However, note that the same cannot be achieved with updateandstop!:

OK = update_and_stop!(stop_nlp_2, a = 0.0)
@test OK == false