
In this tutorial, we present the use of Stopping to checkpointing.

When using an optimizer for high-scale problems, the resolution process might be extremly long. In order to analyze the progress of the algorithm or save ongoing results, an idea is to introduce checkpointing, i.e. we save the output result in the file every n-steps. Using Stopping this operation is now very simple.

using ADNLPModels, FileIO, JLD2, LinearAlgebra, NLPModels, Printf, Random, Stopping

In this tutorial, we will use the steepest descent method with a fixed stepsize.

function fixed_step_steepest_descent(stp :: NLPStopping; t = 1e-5)

  xk = stp.current_state.x

  OK = update_and_start!(stp, gx = grad(stp.pb, xk))

  @printf "%2s %7s\n" "k" "||∇f(x)||"
  @printf "%2d %7.1e\n" stp.meta.nb_of_stop norm(stp.current_state.current_score)
  while !OK
    xk -= t * stp.current_state.gx
    OK = update_and_stop!(stp, x = xk, gx = grad(stp.pb, xk))

    @printf "%2d %7.1e\n" stp.meta.nb_of_stop norm(stp.current_state.current_score)
  return stp

We now generate a regularized least squares problem using ADNLPModels.jl.

m, n = 10_000, 10
A  = rand(m, n)
b  = A * ones(n)
f(x, A, b, λ) = norm(A * x - b)^2 + λ * norm(x)^2
pb = ADNLPModel(x -> f(x, A, b, 1e-2), zeros(n))

The final step is now to initialize the Stopping and specify user-defined structures to store the parameter n_save set to 50 so that every 50 iterations the current stopping is saved using the package JLD2.jl.

save_check(stp, b) = begin 
  if stp.meta.nb_of_stop % stp.stopping_user_struct[:n_save] == 0
    @save "checkpoint_stopping_$(stp.meta.nb_of_stop).jld2" stp
n_save = 50
stp = NLPStopping(pb, user_struct = Dict(:n_save => n_save), 
                      user_check_func! = save_check, max_iter = 99)
# Let's go

The algorithm has now generated two files checkpoint_stopping_0.jld2 and checkpoint_stopping_50.jld2 that can be analyzed.

stp0 = load("checkpoint_stopping_0.jld2")["stp"]
stp50 = load("checkpoint_stopping_50.jld2")["stp"]