How to Stop

The Stopping structure eases the implementation of algorithms and the stopping criterion. We illustrate here the basic features of Stopping.

-> the case where a Stopping is a sub-Stopping is treated in the next tutorial.

The Julia file corresponding to this tutorial can be found here.

using Test, Stopping
x0 = ones(2)
pb = nothing

I. Initialize a Stopping

The lazy way to initialize the stopping is to provide an initial point:

stop1 = GenericStopping(pb, x0, rtol = 1e-1)

The more sophisticated way is to first build a State:

state1 = GenericState(ones(2))

then, use it to create a Stopping:

stop2 = GenericStopping(pb, state1, rtol = 1e-1)

Both ways give the same result:

@test stop1.current_state.x == stop2.current_state.x
@test stop1.current_state.current_time == stop2.current_state.current_time

Keywords given in the Stopping creator are forwarded to the StoppingMeta.

@test stop1.meta.rtol == 1e-1

II. Check the status

To ask the Stopping what is the current situation, we have the status function:

@test status(stop1) == :Unknown #nothing happened yet.

The status function check the boolean values in the Meta: unbounded, unboundedpb, tired, stalled, iterationlimit, resources, optimal, infeasible, main_pb, domainerror, suboptimal

stop1.meta.unbounded  = true
stop1.meta.suboptimal = true

By default the status function prioritizes a status:

@test status(stop1) == :SubOptimal

while you can access the list of status by turning the keyword list as true:

@test status(stop1, list =true) == [:SubOptimal, :Unbounded]

III. Analyze the situation: start!

Two functions are designed to ask Stopping to analyze the current situation mainly described by the State: start!, stop! start! is designed to be used right at the beginning of the algorithm:

start!(stop1) #we will compare with stop2

this call initializes a few entries: a) start_time in the META

@test isnan(stop2.meta.start_time)
@test !isnan(stop1.meta.start_time)

b) optimality0 in the META (used to check the relative error)

@test stop2.meta.optimality0 == 1.0 #default value was 1.0
@test stop1.meta.optimality0 == Inf #GenericStopping has no specified measure

c) the time measured is also updated in the State (if void)

@test stop1.current_state.current_time != nothing

d) in the case where optimality0 is NaN, meta.domainerror becomes true

@test stop1.meta.domainerror == false

e) the problem would be already solved if optimality0 pass a null_test Since optimality0 is Inf, any value would pass the relative error check:

@test Stopping._null_test(stop1, Inf) == true
@test stop1.meta.optimal == true
@test :Optimal in status(stop1, list = true)

The Stopping determines the optimality by testing a score at zero. The test at zero is controlled by the function meta.tol_check which takes 3 arguments: atol, rtol, optimality0. By default it check if the score is less than: max(atol, rtol * opt0)

stop1.meta.tol_check = (atol, rtol, opt0) -> atol
@test Stopping._null_test(stop1, Inf) == false

This can be determined in the initialization of the Stopping

stop3 = GenericStopping(pb, state1, tol_check = (atol, rtol, opt0) -> atol)
@test Stopping._null_test(stop3, Inf) == false

The function _optimalitycheck providing the score returns Inf by default and must be specialized for specialized Stopping. If State entries have to be specified before the start!, you can use the function updateand_start! instead of a update! and then a start!

update_and_start!(stop3, x = zeros(2), current_time = -1.0)
@test stop3.meta.optimal == false
@test stop3.current_state.current_time == -1.0
@test stop3.meta.start_time != nothing
@test stop3.current_state.x == zeros(2)

Once the iterations begins #stop! is the main function. if needed an update is needed first, we can use updateandstop!

OK = stop!(stop3) #update the Stopping and return  a boolean
@test OK == false #no reason to stop just yet!

The stop! call check the following:

  1. meta.domainerror: check if the score is NaN
  2. meta.optimal: the score passes the _null_test
  3. meta.unbounded: check if state.x is too large
  4. meta.unbounded_pb: false by default
  5. meta.tired: check if time is exhausted
  6. meta.resources: false by default
  7. meta.iteration_limit: check the number of iterations
  8. meta.stalled: false by default
  9. meta.main_pb: false by default -> see Stopping as a subproblem tutorial

Note that 1 and 2 are also done by start!.

  1. check unboundedness of x:
@test update_and_stop!(stop3, x = (stop3.meta.unbounded_x + 1.0) * x0 )
@test stop3.meta.unbounded == true
  1. check time
stop3.meta.start_time = 0.0 #too  force the time limit.
@test stop3.meta.tired == true
  1. Stopping the number of iterations by the number of calls to stop!
@test stop3.meta.nb_of_stop == 3 #We called stop3 3 times already
stop3.meta.max_iter = 3
@test stop3.meta.iteration_limit == true #as stop3.meta.nb_of_stop > 3.

Overall we activated three flags:

@test status(stop3, list = true) == [:Unbounded, :IterationLimit, :Tired]

Once we are done with an algorithm and want to reuse a stopping, we need to reinitialize all the entries.


the status boolean are back to false

@test !stop3.meta.iteration_limit && !stop3.meta.tired && !stop3.meta.unbounded

reinitialize also the entries updated by the start!

@test isnan(stop3.meta.start_time) && (stop3.meta.optimality0 == 1.0)
@test stop3.meta.nb_of_stop == 0 #and the counter of stop

Note that by default reinit! does not reinitialize the currentstate. This can be done by switching the keyword rstate to true. In this case, keywords are forwarded to the reinit! of currentstate.

reinit!(stop3, rstate =  true, x = zeros(2))
@test stop3.current_state.current_time == nothing
@test stop3.current_state.x == zeros(2)